The Cubit families
240min 7 W - max 24 W
Diffused, Double Diffused, Double Extra Wide Flood, Double Medium Flood, +7
3000 K - 4000 K
Cubit Pro
1224min 2.6 W - max 28 W
Asymmetric + Medium Flood, Asymmetric + Spot, Asymmetric + Wide Flood, Asymmetric Wallwasher, +19
2700 K - 3000 K - 4000 K
The protagonists for your projects
Cubit is an essential device that, thanks to its extreme aesthetic cleanliness, becomes the protagonist of your lighting project. The formal simplicity conceals sophisticated and cutting-edge technology in terms of lighting, optics, and performance.
The lower optical cell is recessed and without glass, PRO version, allowing the light to expand optimally without dazzling. The different combinations available offer the designer to work with a wide range of possibilities, playing with symmetries and openings.
Cubit can narrate a place by emphasizing the distinctive architectural elements of a building or it can transform an urban landscape by adding luminous signs or patterns on vertical surfaces.
Emphasize architectural elements
Infinite light effects
Cubit narrates a place by emphasizing the distinctive architectural elements of a building or it can transform an urban landscape by adding luminous signs or patterns on vertical surfaces.
Cubit Optics
Single emission and double emission
With spot, flood, wide flood and diffuse optics, it offers a wide range of lighting effects. In addition, the dual emission allows for suggestive mixes of light, enabling the atmosphere to be customised as required. These features make CUBIT an ideal choice for those seeking adaptable and impressive lighting
Cubit Pro Optics
Single emission and double emission
CUBIT Pro is extremely versatile optically, with an additional dimension that further extends the range of lighting effects. In addition to the spot, flood, wide flood and diffuse optics of the standard version, CUBIT Pro also offers asymmetrical effect and direct versions with recessed optics equipped with a darclight microcell. The latter provides the same lighting effects with increased visual comfort.
Recessed, efficient, performant
Cubit Pro Optical Cell
Designed to achieve maximum comfort thanks to the optics with a black cell. This solution allows the optical compartment to be recessed, thus reducing glare for better visual comfort.
Due to its particular conformation, this optics can only be installed facing downwards.

Infinite light effects
Colors for all architectures
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